Bent Metal

Bent Metal Binding Works is een bedrijf van ingenieurs, ontwerpers en life long snowboarders die zich toeleggen op het tot leven brengen van 's werelds beste binding. Verschillende Drive Plate-compositieconstructies zorgen voor unieke prestaties op elk terrein, allemaal met de hand gemaakt in de VS. Uitgebreid getest en goedgekeurd door het Stoked Riderteam. Wij zijn alvast fan! More info
Bent Metal
Bent Metal

3 producten

Bent Metal Binding Works is a company of engineers, designers, and lifelong snowboarders dedicated to bringing the world's best binding to life.
Mervin's 30-year legacy of environmentally conscious composite expertise is built into their Flex Control Drive Plate system. Like little "snowboards built into your bindings", Flex Control Drive Plates transfer energy from your feet directly to your board. Little energy loss, that's what it's all about!
Different Drive Plate composite designs provide unique performance on any terrain, all hand built in the USA by Mervin MFG.
Extensively tested and approved by the Stoked rider team. We are already fans!