Skateboard Helmets

Bescherming begint bij een skateboard helm, en dat is niet enkel voor beginners. Ervaren skaters zoals Andy Anderson vertrouwen dagelijks op hun skatehelm. Een goede helm voorkomt zware blessures aan het hoofd en zorgt voor meer vertrouwen. Kies de juiste maat en leer onbevreesd nieuwe tricks. More info
Skateboard Helmets

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Skateboard Helmets
Good protection starts with a skateboard helmet, and that's not just for beginners.
We definitely recommend beginning to intermediate skateboarders to wear a skateboard helmet. This way you can prevent serious injuries to the head and you can learn in a safe way. Concrete doesn't forgive and that's why a helmet is the right thing to do.

Size chart Skateboard helmets

Head circumference in cm. Helmet size
52 - 54 XXS / XS
54 - 56 S / M
57 - 59 L / XL
59 - 60.5 XXL

When choosing a skateboard helmet, the size is very important.Take the circumference of your head with a tape measure just above your eyebrows and on the sides above your ears. The largest possible circumference counts. This circumference is your ideal helmet size.

Skateboard Helmet Tests
tests are: Shake left and right and up and down when you have the helmet on.
If it doesn't sag or shift, it's a perfect fit.

Skateboard Helmet Brands

As the board shop for and by boarders, we know exactly which helmet is right for you. We're happy to answer any questions you might have in our shop or online skate shop. TSG skateboard helmets are made in Switzerland and are among the best when it comes to skate and snowboard protection.