Snowboard jackets

Ben je op zoek naar een kwaliteitsvolle snowboardjas? Stoked Boardshop is je beste keuze. Wij beoefenen zelf alle sporten waar we materiaal van verkopen, zo krijg je altijd het juiste advies. Een warme en waterdichte snowboardjas heb je zeker nodig in de bergen. Die vind je bij Stoked aan de meest goedkope prijs. More info
Snowboard jackets

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If you're looking for a new snowboard jacket, a real online snowboard shop like Stoked Boardshop is your best choice. We sell all kinds of snowboarding gear, so you always get the right advice. That's why we always give you the right advice in our shop and in our online snowboard shop. Whether you like powder, park or piste, you need a warm and waterproof snowboard jacket.

Choosing the right snowboard jacket.
There's a lot of choice when it comes to snowboard jackets. We've spent several seasons in the mountains, so we know what kind of gear you need and what to look for. You want to be warm and dry. The 2 most important properties of your snowboard jacket are waterproofing and breathability.

  • Waterproofness: This is measured by the term "water column". This indicates how waterproof your jacket is expressed in millimetres. This is tested by applying a certain water pressure to a jacket, for example 5 metres. A jacket that doesn't let any water through under this pressure has 5K waterproofness. Here at Stoked Boardshop, this is the minimum standard. Of course, we have many jackets that are more in the direction of 8K, 10K and 15K. So these are even more resistant to water and bad weather conditions and thus keep you dry longer.
  • Breathability: Snowboarding is a sport and that makes you sweat. Your snowboard outfit has to get rid of the sweat in a certain way. This is done by the breathability of your snowboard jacket. This indicates how many grams of sweat your jacket can ventilate in 24 hours. So a jacket with breathability 5K can get rid of 5 liters of sweat. This is already a good score, but of course, the more intensive your snowboarding, the higher this score should be.
  • Extra features: Over the years, snowboard brands built in a lot more tricks. Many of the jackets we offer come with features like a snow catcher, ventilation system, lift pass pocket and goggle pocket.

Snowboard jacket brands.
In our online snowboard shop, we only sell the brands that we, as a boarder, are happy with. All snowboard jackets from brands like Dakine, Holden, O'Neill, Thirtytwo, Volcom and Westbeach have been tested and approved by our Stoked sponsored snowboarders.

Service for and by boarders.
Besides specific advice and quality material at a chilly price, we also offer you top service.