
Choose griptape
Your favorite griptape You can find your favorite griptape at the best price in the store or online shop of Stoked Boardshop. We will help you select, install and maintain your griptape. It's an essential part of your skateboard set-up that shouldn't be forgotten. It makes sure you don't slide off your skateboard and your skateboard 'sticks' to your feet while jumping or doing other tricks. The biggest variation in griptape is the coarseness of the grain and the colour or designs. You can choose whether we'll strip your skateboard, or if you'd rather do it yourself.

What is griptape and what does it do?
The rough side of griptape is made of silicon carbide, this is the same material as sandpaper. The bottom side contains a strong adhesive so it stays firmly on your skateboard.
The rough surface provides resistance, so you can pull your board up with it. When pushing off, turning and manoeuvring, it is important that you have enough grip on your board. Without grip, you would have much less board control and there is a chance that you could slide off your board. Griptape is important for technical tricks and for your balance on the board. The friction with your shoes ensures that you get your four wheels in the air.
Different types of griptapes.
The difference between the griptapes is mainly in the coarseness of the grain. This determines whether you have a soft or rough griptape. You can compare this with sandpaper. A coarse and small grain makes sure your skateboard will stick better to your feet, but it will wear down your shoes faster. The softer and larger the grain, the less grip you'll have, but the longer your shoes will last.
Do you want to know how to reduce the breakage of your shoes? Click here.
Choose the right width of griptape.
Griptapes are sold in two sizes, 9,10 or 11 inch. Depending on the width of your skateboard, you can choose the right width. From +9 inch boards, we recommend a 10 inch grip. There are skaters who think it's cool not to grip an edge. This is a personal preference.
Brands skateboard griptapes.
To provide you with the best quality, we only buy top brands. Our favourite brands are MOB, Shake Junt, Jessup, Powell, Polar, Grizzly and Stoked Board Co. From experience we see that these griptapes last a long time and are very good value for money.
Each brand uses its own structure and coarseness of grain. MOB, Shake Junt and the Jessup Ultra are known for a slightly coarser grain. Most other brands have a medium coarseness. You will find out which griptape you like to skate. Within these brands you can't make a wrong choice.
Skaters who like technical fliptricks often prefer a softer griptape. These griptapes provide a little less friction with your shoes so that 'flicks' can be performed better. Miniramp and bowl skaters prefer a rougher grip because it offers more control.
Types of griptapes.
Here At Stoked, we also distribute the griptapes according to design. A black griptape is often chosen. Possibly with a cut-out or printed logo. You can also choose the colored or graphic designs. These are gaining popularity. For the creative people among us, there are also clear griptapes. These allow you to personalise the top of your skateboard with stickers and prints. Then you put a clear grip over it and skate with your own work of art.
Putting griptape on your skateboard.
If you want, we can make your skateboard skate-ready. Would you rather do it yourself? Then we have a simple step-by-step plan for you.
Step 1:
Remove the protective layer from the griptape. Keep your skateboard close at hand.
Step 2:
Stretch the griptape tight over your deck and make sure it's in the middle. Press the griptape from the middle firmly to your board. Try to push all the air out so you don't get air bubbles. You can do this by putting the foil on and pressing everything firmly together. Or use a MOB Grip Tape Roller.
Step 3:
With an iron object, rub the edge of your board well. This will make the contours of your skateboard easy to see and ensure an optimal cutting line.
Step 4:
With a knife, make a cut on the side of your board just below your nose and tail. Place the knife at an angle of 45° for a smooth movement. Carefully cut off the outer edge in one fluent motion.
Step 5:
Now, go well along the edges with a file or a piece of excess grip tape. This will prevent your grip from coming loose again. Not even when your skateboard lands on the ground upside down.
Step 6:
Now use a screwdriver to poke through the holes of the screws. This way you can easily attach your trucks. See, your board is now skate-ready.
Cleaning or replacing your grip tape.
Skateboarding is not always done in a clean environment. On the street or at outdoor skateparks you might step in some mud, water or dust. When you step on your skateboard with dirty feet, it gets into your griptape and damages it. This gives you less grip and reduces the quality of your grip. To clean your grip again, you best use a grip cleaner. This way you don't have to buy a new grip every time. Find your grip cleaner here.
Is your skateboard grip tape dirty or worn down too much? Then it's time to replace it.
What do you need to do this? A hairdryer, a cutter knife and some muscle power.
- Put your skateboard with the griptape facing upwards.
- Take the hairdryer and put it on a hot setting.
- Hold it at +- 10 cm from your board and heat the griptape for two minutes.
- This heats up the glue and the griptape will come loose easier.
- With the cutter knife, loosen the griptape at the nose or tail.
- Put your feet on the other side of the board.
- Now pull with both hands in a soft and smooth movement your griptape loose.
- Clean the board and make sure it is free of stickers before putting a new grip on it.
Any more questions?
Are there still things that are unclear? Do you still have a few extra questions? Don't hesitate to contact us via chat, phone or mail. Or drop by our shop.
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